COVID-19 Advisory
Min-E-Con LLC’s supply chain and manufacturing processes are not impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We continue to follow guidance from the CDC, WHO, OSHA, California state and federal agencies to make the right decisions to help prevent the spread of this virus.
Min-E-Con falls under the Energy and Defense Industrial infrastructure sectors and will remain operating normal business hours until further notice.
To minimize any risk factors and possible exposure to COVID-19, we kindly inform you that Min-E-Con has imposed restrictions on visits by visitors, family members and/or friends.
As we continue to closely monitor the development of this pandemic, the safety and well-being of our staff, customers, suppliers and vendors remains our priority. As part of our Business Continuity Plan, we have activated our COVID-19 protocols with precautionary measures put in place to help us navigate through this challenging time. Min-E-Con has made efforts to ensure smooth operations for health and safety of our employees providing essential guidelines and preparedness plans that center around their safety, business operations, supply chain integrity and technology processes.
While we are committed to assuring the safety of our employees, these measures also extend to your safety and the safety of your employees, with the aim of reducing the risk of foreseeable supply disruptions along the value chain.
Our commitment to conducting business and providing product to you is very important to us. During this pandemic crisis we will adapt and do what is necessary to keep our business and employees safe to minimize any impact on our valued customers.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Stay safe and healthy.
William Charette
General Manager